SIMLEA functions, mobile lead app for trade shows


What is SIMLEA® and how does it work?

The SIMLEA® app is an app for digital contact and sales data acquisition (digital lead acquisition), which was specially developed for use at trade fairs and events. With a license agreement, the SIMLEA® app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Playstore and installed on your smartphone, iPhone or tablet.

By using the SIMLEA® app, you can significantly optimize the recording process of important customer contacts and also optimize your time management. The app can be configured very flexibly and easily adapted to your organization and sales goals.

store information quickly

The SIMLEA® app allows you to use the camera of your smartphone, tablet or other mobile device that has a built-in camera to scan business cards and sketches, and save and digitize them. This only takes a few seconds. Scanned data is digitized using the currently world's best OCR text recognition and is entered in the appropriate form fields. Data records generated in this way are synchronized with the backend in a structured manner. All data records can be reworked there in real time before they are transferred to a customer system.

Especially at trade fairs, events, business meetings, company visits and many other events, the use of the SIMLEA® app is an important tool to be able to save all contact information received quickly and conveniently. The data can then be processed and evaluated.

Data integrated into systems

All scanned and saved data can then be transferred to a CRM system such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics or to an ERP system such as SAP or to a marketing automation tool such as Mautic or to a spreadsheet program such as Excel. The data records are clearly identifiable based on the lead ID and the recording date and time. In addition to the recorded contact data and a possible contact person, the data source, such as a business card with the photo or scan taken, is also stored here. The data on the business card has been transferred to the system and entered into the fields of the backend system according to information such as lead source, first name, last name, address, etc. All recorded contacts can then be checked and marked accordingly and then saved. All corresponding customer inquiries can now be answered with the desired information.

information security

However, emails can only be sent to customers with verified and confirmed data. This security feature ensures that only confirmed and verified customer contacts are provided with the appropriate information. In addition, it is also ensured that the corresponding contact persons are correct and the customer salutation is correct. Likewise, the synchronization and transfer of data records to an external system is only possible with verified data. This process ensures the highest level of data security and data processing and data transmission are in full compliance with all legal rules and regulations.

speed and flexibility

A direct link to a CRM system makes it possible to collect data, check it if necessary and forward it to employees or customers in a matter of seconds. The SIMLEA® app is suitable for use at all national and international trade fairs and events. You can use the application to collect customer data or to communicate with your field staff and you are always up to date in practically real time. Whether it's trade fair leads, statistical evaluations, agreements and requests for offers, all this data is available to you in real time as a basis for decision-making. This ensures that you can react even faster and more flexibly to changing situations.

After this first overview of what the SIMLEA® app actually is and how it works, let's take a closer look at the following 25 functions of the SIMLEA® app.

25 Functions and properties of the SIMLEA® Lead application at a glance:

The SIMLEA® lead app complies with the GDPR

The SIMLEA® Lead app complies with the current data protection regulations and is, of course, absolutely DSGVO-compliant. In principle, the electronic collection of personal data and subsequent further processing is not DSGVO-compliant and therefore not actually permitted. Unless the data subject expressly gives his or her consent. Here, the SIMLEA app directly enables you to obtain the permission of the new prospect and save it together with the contact information. For example, you can use ready-made texts for this purpose, or you can briefly write down the declaration of consent and then have the interested party sign it on your smartphone. In addition to the digitized signature and thus the consent of your potential new customer, the time and date are of course also saved. The consent as well as the contact data and, if necessary, further scans of sketches or even photos are then assigned to the prospect and finally saved in a new data record.

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The Android and iOS compatibility of the SIMLEA app

In order to enable as many users as possible of smartphones, tablets and other smart devices equipped with a camera and connected to the Internet to use the SIMLEA app, it is possible to use the SIMLEA app under both Android and iOS. The corresponding app is licensed via the manufacturer SIMLEA GmbH and can subsequently be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Due to the total market share of well over 95%, which is accounted for by Android and iOS, the SIMLEA app can be installed and used on almost all common smart devices. Of course, it is particularly interesting for Android users. Because Android is not tied to a single manufacturer, it can be used on a wide variety of devices from a wide variety of manufacturers.

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Offline acquisition of contacts

Another strength of the trade show lead app is the ability to capture data offline. If you are a guest at a trade fair, an event or any other event and the WLAN is not available, then this is not a problem at all. With the trade fair lead app, it is possible to scan and save all the contact data you want even without an internet connection. To do this, simply scan the contact data to be digitized or sketches and the like with the camera of your smartphone, tablet or other smart device and save them in your mobile device. In practice, this means that you can collect your contacts throughout the day, for example at a trade show, so you can do a digital capture and update them later. As soon as they have an internet connection again, you can easily add your scanned contact data to your existing data stock by "synchronizing". All data is now added to the current dataset and ready for further use.

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Freely configurable forms

The SIMLEA® app allows you to display all the scanned data that you want to have recorded during lead capture in completely individual and freely configurable, structured forms. You can configure all the data, such as name, date, presence of a business card and much more, in the form as you need it and as it makes the most sense for your work. You also have the possibility to change the language of the form. You can display the form in different languages. The most important information in each form is the Lead ID. This lead ID is automatically assigned to each record by the system. The corresponding record is stored in the system under the Lead ID. The Lead-ID consists of four areas. The first area is an abbreviation for the event. The second information is an abbreviation for the form. The third piece of information in the Lead ID is an abbreviation for the device number. And the fourth and final abbreviation is a running record number. The lead ID is unique for each record. The lead ID is then associated with the corresponding contact data. The corresponding lead can be supplemented by additional contacts, which are stored together under the lead ID. This arrangement is also freely configurable.

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Mandatory fields according to your specifications so that your reports can be completely recorded

The ability to create your own forms for different projects or customers also makes it possible to make certain fields in the form mandatory. As the name suggests, these are fields that must be filled out in any case in order to continue the input in the form. Mandatory fields can be freely assigned by you and thus customized according to your layout wishes. This gives you the opportunity to design your form specifically according to your requirements and wishes. It is also possible to change the fields at a later date. You can also modify and adapt existing forms for a similar project. If a mandatory field is defined as such, it is displayed to the user as a field with a red background. In addition, a red warning triangle with an exclamation mark and the note "This information is a mandatory field" appears below the field. The user is thus made aware in writing as well as visually of the mandatory field to be filled in. This ensures that the user enters all the required data in the form, thus guaranteeing consistency throughout. If the intention in the form to be filled in is to scan a business card or/and a sketch, for example, without all the mandatory fields already being filled in, then the input can be temporarily deactivated. This may be necessary, for example, if not all data is available at the time in question.

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Multiple events/forms in one application

The SIMLEA® app allows you to create any number of events with the forms behind them. For each new lead, i.e. each newly created customer contact, a unique lead ID is assigned under which all data and forms are stored. Of course, information and new forms for a lead can be added, changed or deleted at any time. A particularly important and interesting point here is the free configurability of forms. For each event you want to create, you can create all forms in the way that makes the most sense for you. Likewise, you have the possibility to create mandatory fields when it comes to information that you need in any case. Also, of course, there is the possibility to personalize the access rights. The corresponding user can then, for example, access only a part of the data records or edit only parts of the forms. All functions and changes can be carried out quickly and intuitively.

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Multilingual forms (German, English, Italian, French, etc.)

In the SIMLEA® app, you have the option of creating your input forms in different languages. Three languages are preset by default. However, the SIMLEA app has a large number of selectable languages. If you would like to select a language other than one of the preset default languages, you can do so in the form view. In the form view, you will see a small square search box, with a globe as a symbol and a number behind it. By default, there is a small "3" behind the symbolized globe. This "3" shows the number of languages that are already set. In this case, you can choose from three preset languages. By clicking on the symbolized globe, a selection menu with a scroll bar opens, which shows you by scrolling the possible languages that you can additionally select. In particular, if you have scanned the business card of a Chinese business partner, then select Chinese and the language will be added to the preset languages. Due to the large number of selectable languages, the SIMLEA app can be used practically worldwide and no communication problems occur.

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Multiple events/forms in one application

Due to the possibility to create your own forms for different projects or customers, it is also possible to define certain fields in the form as mandatory fields. As the name suggests, these are fields that must be filled out in any case in order to continue the input in the form. Mandatory fields can be freely assigned by you and thus customized according to your layout preferences. This gives you the possibility to design your form according to your requirements and wishes. It is also possible to change the fields at a later date. You can also modify and adapt existing forms for a similar project. If a mandatory field is defined as such, it is displayed to the user as a field with a red background. In addition, a red warning triangle with an exclamation mark and the note "This information is a mandatory field" appears below the field. The user is thus made aware in writing as well as visually of the mandatory field to be filled in. This ensures that the user enters all the required data in the form, thus guaranteeing consistency throughout. If the intention in the form to be filled in is to scan a business card or/and a sketch, for example, without all the mandatory fields already being filled in, then the input can be temporarily deactivated. This may be necessary, for example, if not all data is available at the time in question.

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OCR recognition in 27 languages

The SIMLEA® app is able to recognize 27 different languages. If a new lead is created, clicking on "New record" opens a form that matches the corresponding event and which was previously created in the corresponding web portal. By activating the camera on your smartphone or tablet, the customer's business card can now be photographed. The photographed business card is then read using OCR recognition and the read data is then transferred to the corresponding fields of the contact form. In this way, the contact form is filled out automatically. If data is not transferred correctly, it can be corrected manually using the keyboard. The software can automatically determine the language and display the form in the corresponding language.

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QR code recognition

One of the most important and also most elegant capture options is scanning business cards using the QR code. Scanning a QR code is practically error-free and the data is usually usable after scanning without any further post-processing. By pressing the "Scan Barcode" button, the camera view opens and the barcode or QR code can be scanned. After the scanning process is finished, the data is directly stored in the corresponding form and can be further processed. The software is also able to determine the corresponding language and transfer the data directly to the appropriate form.

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The e-mail wizard for automated sending of e-mails with time control

The e-mail wizard allows you to automatically send e-mails to your customers and business partners on predefined days and at predefined times. This gives you the opportunity to provide your customers with current and updated information at any time. Whether it's updated data, newsletters or important event notifications with all the associated information - you can have all this done fully automatically by the SIMLEA app. This predominantly simplifies follow-ups, resulting in significant time savings. The email wizard for automated sending of emails is a very powerful feature that offers many more possibilities for sending emails.

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Prepared interfaces (adapters) to the most renowned CRM providers

The SIMLEA® App has been developed to enable data exchange between a wide variety of CRM systems and software applications. The SIMLEA App enables data exchange between a wide variety of software applications, databases and IT systems. In doing so, the app supports both cloud-based and local applications and provides a cross-departmental connection that makes all available company as well as customer information accessible. The SIMLEA app has a large number of connectors for connecting a wide variety of business applications. Interfaces are available for the following applications, for example: Microsoft Dynamics CRM, SugarCRM, protocols for OData and databases such as JDBC and MySQL. Due to standardized SDKs for Node.js and Java, it is also possible to develop custom interfaces for completely new and in-house applications. A selection of more than one hundred preconfigured interfaces for the most common business applications is available. Integration via standard protocols such as REST, SOAP and OData are also possible.

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Speech-2-Text Recognition in online mode

to convert. This feature is especially important and interesting in leader capture. It allows dictating conversation transcripts, the app transcribes the spoken words directly into a text. The prerequisite for using this function properly is a stable internet connection. If there is no or only an insufficient Internet connection, then there is also the option of entering texts via the keyboard displayed on the tablet or smartphone. At the end of a form there is a note field. In this field, texts can be entered via the device's keyboard. This field is intended to record notes of conversations or to document conversations. In the lower right corner of the field there is a button with a microphone icon. A finger press on this icon starts the conversion from speech to text. What is now spoken is directly converted into text and written into the text field. Even longer voice recordings can be quickly and easily converted into a finished text. It is also possible to convert these texts into a PDF document and then export them.

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Attach sketches to captured leads

Sketches can be captured in two ways. On the one hand, it is possible to draw smaller sketches directly on the tablet or smartphone and save them there. The sketch is assigned directly to the desired lead when it is saved. Another way to add larger or more complex sketches and drawings to a lead is to photograph the corresponding drawing or sketch. The drawing or sketch is photographed and the generated file can then be assigned to the corresponding lead. Of course, it is also possible to store several sketches or drawings under one lead. Below the preview images of the sketches or drawings made, there is a selection field for selecting the desired CRM system and then a free text field. Additional information on the drawings and sketches can be entered in this free text field using the keyboard. All saved contacts can be displayed via a selection list that can be opened by touch. The captured sketches and drawings with all additional information can now be sent as a mail by selecting a corresponding contact. It is also possible to put additional people in copy.

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Export wizard for individual exports

The export wizard allows you to conveniently export data in CSV format, for example. This option makes the data available for further processing or evaluation in other systems. By using the CSV format, a universal use of the data records to be exported is guaranteed and larger amounts of data can be exported. You have the possibility to select the data records to be exported by filtering the data according to certain criteria. The Export Wizard offers you to select the data according to various attributes or attribute groups that can be selected individually. After you have selected the appropriate attributes, you have the option to save this configuration. This allows you, for example, to save selected lists, segments, and the attributes and options to be exported from CSV files. Of course, this is always particularly useful if you often need to export records that should meet the same filter criteria.

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Export individual leads as a PDF document (lead report)

With the SIMLEA® App, you also have the option of converting all your saved leads into a PDF document and then exporting them. For this purpose, the SIMLEA App has an integrated PDF conversion option. This ensures that you can export all your customer data in one of the most commonly used formats to send to your customers. When converting, you naturally have the option of extracting only individual leads (personalization) and then converting them, as well as the option of capturing entire groups from the dataset and exporting them in one step. Numerous CRM systems are interface-compliant. With the SIMLEA App, the desired information can be converted and sent directly to a wide variety of CRM systems or other software applications with virtually no loss of time.

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Import of inventory data from customer CRM incl. search + transfer in form

A necessary function in the SIMLEA app is the transfer of inventory data into SIMLEA. For this purpose, data records in the form of CSV files can be transferred from a spreadsheet, such as Excel. A field mapping can then take place through a previously defined "mapping". This means that the data from the data source, in this case Excel, is read into the system and entered into the fields of the previously defined forms according to their meaning. Likewise, the data fields with the corresponding identifier are transferred into the system. In this case, for example, the customer names from the Excel spreadsheet, with the designation Last Name, are entered into the corresponding fields of the forms. In this way, all data from the source, in this case the data from the Excel spreadsheet, is transferred directly to the SIMLEA app and the corresponding forms are filled with the data. With the help of the lead ID, it is easily possible to synchronize, transfer and subsequently use the contacts from CRM systems such as Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Salesforce, SAP and many others.

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Import existing leads

It is possible to store source data consisting of the individual leads in the backend system. This can be the inventory data, for example. This data can now be converted into a CSV table. This generated CSV table can now be imported into a smartphone or tablet. Due to the designations of the individual fields defined when creating the forms, the data set is now imported from the backend system into the smartphone or tablet by mapping - this means that the designations of the fields in the form match the corresponding fields in the CSV table. The imported data can now be used or supplemented.

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Integration of PDFs (e.g. product data sheets), videos or images

A particularly important and very practical function of the SIMLEA app is the integration of PDFs, product data sheets, videos and images. As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. In view of this, you can add videos to the individual leads themselves for documentation purposes. You have the option to add virtually any number of PDFs, product data sheets, as well as videos and images, or all of them together, to a customer lead. The respective document is then displayed and stored in the corresponding lead with an icon appropriate for the document. With the integrated option to send e-mails, it is of course also possible to send the PDFs, product data sheets as well as videos and images as usual with an e-mail as an attachment. With this meaningful function, you can document even complex issues very extensively and in detail (and store them in the corresponding document).

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Signature field for recording a declaration of consent

The SIMLEA® app allows you to capture the customer's signature directly on site to ensure, among other things, consent to further processing of the customer's personal data. To do this, you can create a privacy statement designed according to your requirements (of course, it can also be any other type of statement), under which a signature field then appears. The customer can now read the corresponding statement and then sign it to indicate their signature and thus consent by signing it. Depending on the terminal device used, the signature can be made either by finger or with a corresponding pen. The customer data with the corresponding consent is now stored in the corresponding data record and can be synchronized directly with the data stock in the backend system if an Internet connection is available.

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Revision of existing data sets

Of course, SIMLEA also allows you to modify existing data records. You can delete or modify existing data that may no longer be relevant, or add new information to an existing record. Switch to the document view and navigate to the directory where the documents and forms to be edited are stored by using the "Dashboard". Here you have two colored tiles that allow you to add new records or modify existing records. The corresponding icon is a list icon that takes you directly to the corresponding data records. The access rights for the individual data records can be stored in the backend. This ensures that only authorized persons have access and that only the corresponding data records can be changed. Clicking on the list icon will then take you to the data records that have been created on the corresponding event or event. Selecting a record will then take you to the lead form for the selected record. The most important information here is the Lead ID under which the form is stored. Since the lead ID is unique, the form can always be identified by this ID. Now the respective data record can be edited. Field entries can be changed or supplemented. Additionally, new documents can be added or older documents can be deleted. After editing the entries, the data is saved again and can also be updated directly in the backend by synchronizing (with an existing online connection).

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The SIMLEA® APP enables personalized log-in

If you want to add an event in the event menu, you can do this via the Add button. After tapping on this button, a window will open asking you to enter an update code. This code is assigned to the event and is usually assigned by your administrator who created the corresponding event. An internet connection is required to verify the access code in order to proceed. Once the log-in has been successfully completed, the event behind it opens. Now the log-in to the desired event takes place. Here it is necessary to enter the user name as well as the password. If the input is done, you can now work with the data, according to your permissions. The SIMLEA app makes it possible to assign completely individual rights to each user. So it is not possible for the personalized user to simply access all data - unless it is set up that way by the administrator. In this way, a separate profile can be created for each employee in a company.

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Statistics in real time

With the SIMLEA® app, you can display statistics in real time and perform statistical evaluations based on this data. With an existing Internet connection, there is permanent communication between the end device and the backend. All data and evaluations can be made in real time, at the push of a button, so to speak. The option of displaying data and statistics in real time means that you are always up to date and can go into your customer meetings with the latest data and information. This information is also available to the customer and is an important part of the customer conversation. Likewise, decisions and important data can be exchanged among each other in a matter of seconds. This reduces possible reaction times to a minimum and decision-making processes are greatly accelerated. The SIMLEA app always provides you with the latest information and statistics and offers a range of interesting statistical and evaluation functions.

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Synchronization of the collected data via encrypted connection (SSL)

If you were able to capture new leads during your tour of the trade fair or your last visit to an event, the next step is to synchronize the captured data with the inventory data. To ensure that the data can be transferred securely to the back end, the SIMLEA app offers data transfer via SSL protocol. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is an encryption technology that transmits your data securely and without third-party access. You can see that the encryption is active by the link that calls up the corresponding web page. Instead of just http:/, the link is extended by the letter "s". The encrypted connection is thus displayed to you with https:/. The SIMLEA app works on a security standard that is also used by banks and insurance companies. If you have new data to synchronize and a stable internet connection is ensured, then all data is transferred to the backend system using SSL encryption and synchronized with the existing data. Within a few seconds, the data is thus ready for export or synchronization at the API interface. SIMLEA thus uses the highest security standards to transfer and store your data securely. Moreover, the SIMLEA app was developed according to the guidelines of the DSGVO and is accordingly DSGVO-compliant.

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Digitize leads with SIMLEA.

*Required fields