How to successfully capture professional leads
Customer success
How to successfully capture professional leads at virtual trade shows

Thanks to inoculations, rapid tests, and concepts of scanning and hygiene, presence trade shows will take place again in the foreseeable future. With digital lead capture, it is therefore not worthwhile for companies to switch to new tools and systems. To quickly find their way around at presence trade fairs, your trade fair personnel should—quite the opposite—not unlearn how to work with a solution for digital lead capture at trade fairs. But there are also many other reasons why your company should use a digital and mobile lead capture application at digital trade shows as well.


Scheduling virtual trade fairs with the SIMLEA Lead App

Just like at analogue trade shows, it's crucial at digital trade shows to schedule conversations with prospects before the event and to flexibly schedule staff at the booth. As a digital lead capture solution, the SIMLEA Lead App's appointment booking function allows you to do just that. Set up a form on your website that allows your prospects to book appointments with your virtual trade show booth staff weeks before the virtual trade show. Since the potential prospect enters their data online in the form, you can pre-register the lead in the app with all their data and areas of interest before the event. For your employees at the virtual trade show booth, this has the great advantage that they can already prepare comprehensively for the conversations at the virtual trade show booth before the event.


Efficiently document the course of conversations

At digital trade shows, it is crucial for companies to have as many conversations as possible with potential prospects. Just as at analogue trade shows, it is of course also significant in the digital trade show world to document the course of these conversations in as much detail as possible. Only in this way will you be able to best assess after the event which of your products, solutions, and services you should best offer to the respective prospects during follow-up activities. To have all tools in one hand, it is worthwhile to do this via a digital lead capture tool such as the SIMLEA Lead App. Within the app, the entire trade show sheet, including contact information, notes, sketches, and photos for each lead can be captured digitally on a smartphone or tablet.


Manage data transfer and follow-up emails easily.

Once you have captured a prospect's data during the digital trade show, the SIMLEA Lead App for digital lead capture at trade shows transfers the prospect's data to your internal systems in real time. It doesn't matter whether you want to feed the data into your CRM or ERP system or into your marketing automation solution. An interface can be set up between the SIMLEA Lead App and any of these systems. Alternatively, it is of course also possible to export the data. Regardless of which option you choose, the SIMLEA Lead App sends timely, personalized follow-up emails to your prospects, enabling you to stand out from the competition.

Want to learn more about how to use the SIMLEA Lead App profitably at virtual trade shows? Give me a call - I'll be happy to advise you


Oliver Edinger

Managing Director and founder of simlea GmbH

phone +49 (0) 6203 6799870 | email: [email protected]

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